Photography by We Are Seekers
L-R: RB Mica & RB Kai

Kai P. Cruz

Dear Rebellious Bride,

On Feb. 15, 2011, Jason Magbanua wrote on his Facebook page, "Shooting perhaps the most unique Boracay wedding in history". And this wedding, happened to be ours. It was the best day of my life, as our perfect wedding unfolded right before my eyes, I am proud to say that my husband and I carried out our own wedding concepts and wedding rules for our dream wedding just the way we envisioned it to be.

Fast forward to June 4, 2011, my husband and I were "asked" by my parents to get married again, this time in Manila, because they wouldn't consider our wedding as official unless done in the Catholic Church. This made me feel sad, that I asserted to have my own wedding brunch with my friends, for some wine, macaroons, and a photo shoot bonding session, 5 hours before the wedding, and called myself "The Rebellious Bride". One of my friends suggested for me to create a blog out of "Rebellious Bride" and here we are today.

Being a Rebellious Bride, is not easy. I actually had to pick my own brain for ideas because wedding magazines, and websites did not quite meet my needs. I also remember having to always explain myself to family, friends, and random people about our wedding concept because it's never been done before, so everything I had to say about my wedding was like an alien territory. I also remember being looked at as if I were a weirdo, and feeling like I am being forced to abide by rules that don't make sense to me.

I want to create a community for Rebellious Brides because I love weddings, I am a fan of the Philippine wedding industry and the innovators behind it, and I want to help you create your own wedding. Let me tell you this, and I hope it sticks to your mind: I have heard of COUNTLESS TALES of former brides who wish to get married again--5 or 10 years from now. You know why? To carry out their dream weddings, because their first one wasn't what they wanted, rather, it was what THEIR PARENTS WANTED. It's our culture. It's just "the way it is". But it's time to make a stand. So here's to you, Rebellious Bride.Let's fight for your own dream wedding.

Kai is for Kick Ass Innovations:
Photo by Mango Red

Former media planner. Former Innovations Manager. Now a PROUD Kapuso. Has had three weddings so far. All of which, were with the same dashing groom, whom she loves so dearly. Popularized REBELLIOUSBRIDES.COM, loves all things creative, Goyard, turquoise, Harry Potter, passionate about Pinoy talent, a believer of positivity, the law of attraction, and feng shui. Dreams of living in Oregon and France. Believes in the power of acupuncture. Has polycystic ovaries so don't mess with me about my weight. Highly allergic to inggiteras and plastics. Chinita kaya mukhang suplada pero masayahin talaga. Peksman :)

Mica Diva Dy Tuaño-Fuentes

Dear Rebellious Bride,

It all started when my boyfriend of almost four years PROPOSED last Feb 2011. “It” referring to my addiction on all things wedding related. The truth is, I had a desktop folder entitled “wedding pegs” prior to that, but I found myself scrapping most of the contents because I’ve realized how different the ball game has been.

All of a sudden, I wasn’t so sure of why I got those images. The only thing I was sure of is that I wanted the color to be purple (I am addicted to that also). Then I realized that I chose most of my pegs for the color but the themes just felt so stiff and pretentious. Most violet-colored weddings were opulent, grand or had royal undertones --that simply wasn’t us! I kind of felt sad that I had a hard time looking for pegs for a wedding that reflected who Marc & I were: playful, rowdy and child-like.

From then on, Marc & I brainstormed and rummaged thru a lot of images (not necessarily from wedding sites) and came up with a ‘Playful Romantic’ theme with subtle inspirations from Little Rascals (we thought of this while walking hand in hand, pa-sway-sway pa, shopping for water guns in Bangkok).

We felt like wedding rebels with a cause. When everyone else told us, “Ay, ‘di timeless ‘yan.” We just smiled and said, “Ayaw namin ng timeless, gusto namin…TOPAK!”

And so we did what was bound to happen: do what we wanted! While we weren’t planning on an engagement shoot, Mango Red (whom I call the Rebellious Gang) invited us to play and gave us a free hand on our shooting theme. We came up with “Love Play.” Because all we wanted to do during that shoot was have fun. So we did! Our session was even linked in one of the wedding industry’s most topak blogs: ROCKANDROLLBRIDE!

Photo by MangoRed

Marc & I got married last September 10, 2011. Our venue for the wedding is, in fact, not a wedding venue. We were the first couple to wed in The Playground of Ronac Art Center. We had flashcards for invites. We had a LOT of D-I-Y (Do It Yourself) elements. My bouquet was made of felt fabric, buttons and poutpourri. You can doodle with icing on our cake (with vinyl toys called Munny as cake toppers). We did all the wedding traditions under 60 seconds. We had a FLASHMOB. We had a BACKTRACKeoke where you can sing to tunes from the 80s and the 90s. We had a lot of crazy fun by combining a mobile bar, served zero beer, ice cream bar, cake pops, ombre cupcakes, street food, cotton candy, Palarong Pambata, etc.  that you would swear you were in a kiddie party.

Before the wedding day itself, some brows and question marks were raised. But that didn't dampen our spirits at all. We just really wanted to be able to do our wedding our way. And no, we didn't do it to be unique or to compete. We did it because those things made us happy. Those things were very "us." After all, we simply wanted a mix of revelry and REBELry ;)

The Makeup of Mica

Mica is made from a glittery mineral that is found in most cosmetic ingredients. She is a professional makeup artist heading The Makeup of Mica a former advertising copywriter for 12 years, a shampoo model and a Diva (solely on the basis of her second name). She looks at wedding blogs on a daily basis, owns numerous things in purple, loves TopShop, has more than twenty lipsticks for personal use & gain and believes that life is too short for negative vibes. She is currently playing house with her husband in the purplest condo in Makati. 

RBs from Kai P. Cruz on Vimeo.