Marc's Rebellious Proposal

Is it just me or do the days go by super fast? Wasn't it just February of this year when Marc proposed? And now we're married! 

Soon we'll be old and wrinkly. But before that, because it's a rainy (stormy) day, I will put on my senti(mental) mode and reminisce. 

Much better than telling you about Marc's proposal, here's a video shown during our wedding day. Are you ready for a flashback? I am.

And just in case you're bored. Here's an excerpt of what I wrote after Marc's proposal. I wrote this to share the love.
On February 12 (which was apparently our 44th month together), I was at my relative’s house in Quezon City to meet my new nephew from LA. Marc couldn't go because he had an exam at banking school. He was supposed to follow afterwards. So when he missed dinner, I got a little bit annoyed. He ended picking me up around 10pm at Trinoma (where my mallrat of a family decided to explore). Then he asked if we can go to the coffee shop we frequented in Makati. He told me he had a bad day. I was very cranky and tired but going to that coffee shop near the park was our de-stress place.

He then asked me to walk with him to the park. I was still very clueless at this point. While we were walking, Marc tripped and slipped on the edge of the park’s gazebo near two guys hanging out, jamming. They tried to stifle their laughter to no avail. Marc got annoyed and confronted them.

I didn’t panic at first because I thought he would let them be. Instead, he forcibly grabbed the guitar from the other guy (who quickly ran away). I was in panic mode now! But I tried to calmly ask Marc to return the guitar. He wouldn't. I was about to hyperventilate but decided to try another approach.

"I am walking away if you don't give back that guitar!," I threatened (atapang ababae!).

But Marc kept on strumming and even started to sing. His friends where supposed to come out from cover but didn't so I thought he had simply snapped and lost his marbles. To me, he looked like he was mocking the guys by using their guitar! I walked out. He followed me (still strumming) and shouted, "I’m giving it back na!" (it was his turn to panic because I was supposed to know he’s proposing from the time he sang but didn’t just yet).

The only time a proposal registered and clicked into place in my brain was when I walked past the park’s arc. There, I saw around six people hiding behind the bushes, cramped and wide-eyed. No one ever thought I would walk out and reach past that hiding place! Oopsie. That wasn’t in Plan B.

So I turned around to look at Marc - who was very obviously enjoying the moment. He started singing again (not crazy in my eyes anymore). Then his friends (and the wonderful actors I only came to know that night) went out from their hiding places. Some of them, former Kundirana boys like Marc, serenaded me right smack in the middle of Salcedo Park, where the Muslim women in veils having a picnic and the MACEA CCTV were watching us.

I was "ugly-crying" the whole time. Without a tissue. With snot on my face. But still, the whole scenario felt so beautiful. It was an amazing experience to feel so much love and devotion. Marc told me about how this and that was supposed to happen, about how he was harassing his friends and mine to throw ideas with, about how he was so paranoid at keeping the ring safe. I told him that the imperfections worked and made it perfect. That proposal was so very “us”. It was either that or he was going to don a Grimace costume and stalk me. Good choice, Marc.

I wrote this to thank my fiancé :). He is an innately good person. I believe in him so much. I accept him wholly. I wrote this to thank the Universe for giving us a nudge towards each other. I wrote this to tell people about crazy love, about cheesiness, about moments that blow your mind. I wrote this because I am thankful. I feel very loved and blessed in so many ways.


I know of many guys who'd want an awesome proposal but don't even bother trying because the safer route is easier. If you're one of them, then let me tell you that Marc is willing to brainstorm with you for a rebellious proposal!
Do you know of any rebellious proposal that will inspire future grooms? Let us know!
Mica :)