Rebellious Celebrity Bride - Jolina Magdangal

Jolina Magdangal has got to be one of the quirkiest local celebrities around. That's why her wedding was something to definitely look forward to. And since the wedding will have a special episode on GMA 7 this December 4, naturally, most of the official wedding details are still kept under wraps. But in our effort to find as much details about this rebellious wedding as much as we can, here are some of the things that we were able to get for you! 

Rebellious Details from the Jolina + Mark Weddings:

Photo lifted from PhilStar. Click HERE for related article

1. The bride had TWO weddings  - In the couple's effort to marry tradition with their dream wedding, the couple first had an intimate church wedding with just their immediate families at Madre de Dios (Tagaytay Midlands). In the first wedding, the bride wore a PINK off-the-rack, short dress (LOVE THIS!), styled with a white veil. The second wedding, was a "hippie picnic"-themed wedding, and the bride wore a wreath veil, a DIY pair of bridal shoes, and fairy wings during the reception.

2. The bride FOUGHT for her dream wedding -- ever since she was just a child, she dreamed of a wedding where her ceiling would literally be the heavens--and it was non-negotiable. The couple executed it so beautifully!

3. The couple limited their number of guests--while they apologized and tried to explain their decisions, they really STUCK to their plan and just asked for people to respect their decision. And if you are in the same situation, I urge you to do the same.

4. A lot of the wedding details were DIY-including their awesome scrapbook wedding invite  - which, the celebrity bride slaved away on, using paper clips, wired embellishments, and a whole lot of personal touch.

Photos lifted from Printsonalities. Click HERE for related article.

5. Among the many beautiful and rebellious details are the bride's "wand bouquet" made by Teddy Manuel.

Photo lifted from Teddy Manuel. Click HERE for related article.

Photo lifted from Mykiru. Click HERE for related article.

6. The couple did not read their vows, instead, they tried to be as spontaneous as they can and "winged it"

Photo lifted from Mykiru. Click HERE for related article.
7. The couple wed in Splendido Tagaytay, and hired an awesome wedding team: MangoRed (photography), Bob Nicolas (videography), Teddy Manuel (Styling/Flowers), Printsonalities (invitations), Larry Espinosa (Bridal Gown) 

I am proud to say that a lot of Jolina & Mark's wedding decisions are also very much similar to mine. And I encourage you guys to do the same. 

Watch the wedding special called "I do, Times Two" only on GMA 7, Dec. 4, Sunday Night Box Office, after Protege.


Do you have an equally rebellious wedding like this? We'd love to feature it! Email us at:

*follow us on twitter! @RebelliousBride



Mica and I are one in this special cause.
And we dedicate this to you, our dear Rebellious Bride.