Happy April Fools!

An April Fools Wedding! Photo lifted from: http://justsostacy.blogspot.com/
While reading one of Jason Magbanua's tweets about not having a wedding this coming Sunday, I wondered what could possibly be the reason why nobody hired the Lord of all videographers for tomorrow?!? Then I started to wonder what date is it anyway? For sure the date that falls this Sunday is probably being avoided by most couples huh? Then I almost laughed alone when I realized it was April 1! So nobody wants to get married on a day that is supposedly a foolish date right?

But why not? Seems to me that it is actually a clever idea to get married on a day that other couples are avoiding--it probably means you'll be able to get most if not all your dream wedding partners and venue availabilities wide open, you might probably even get off peak rates, and will most likely even get a good guest head count as opposed to a popular date where everyone's trying to get a decent SOW ("Share of Wedding").  So help us out here folks---does anybody out there know of any couple/s rebellious enough to get married this 1st of April 2012? Or perhaps you knew of a couple who actually already did? We'd love to feature! Email us away at rebellious.bride@gmail.com :)

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