Rebellious Bunch - HIndy Weber Tantoco

Photos were shared by the designer herself
unless labeled otherwise
When asked on her definition of a Rebellious Bride, Hindy did not define her through words. She "rebelliously" defined the Rebellious Bride through her own body of rebellious work.

Hindy Weber Tantoco, on her interpretation of a Rebellious Bride

Rogue - September 2008 Issue
In various magazine and newspaper features on Hindy, there was one occasion when she said that her personal style is "schizo". In a Town & Country cover feature, the caption on her was "The Lightness of Hindy", whereas in her Rogue cover feature, she had a photo desecrating a luxury bag and she explicitly straightens out her take on overly priced luxury brands (such a rebellious disposition and irony if you know what I mean *wink*). Schizo indeed. Hindy calls it schizo, I call it rebellious ingenuity. 

I'd like to take the cue from Hindy. Instead of trying to convince you on why you should get Hindy for your bridal gown and entourage collection through words, I will instead, share with you some of her actual rebellious works. 

10 years of perfecting and understanding women, from all shapes and sizes.

L-R: Rustan's U, Culte Femme, Bella Mama, and Kiddos - all were the brain child of Hindy.
Pictures from Style Bible and Female Network

Quenching the thirst of a Rebellious Bride's need for originality. 

(Sidenote: Hindy designed my gowns, pegged not  from magazines or wedding resources but inspired from the beach to the ocean. She originally found art and beauty in the life forms of the sea.) 

Schizo Style

From the Catwalk to the Wedding Aisle

A Rebellious Bride's best friend. 
For she is also a Rebellious Designer (and fashion icon) at heart. 

Covers from Sense & Style and Town & Country

"Frankly my dears, I don't give a damn" -- Hindy W. Tantoco (a quote from her Preview, Best-Dressed List feature)

Hindy W. Tantoco. Rebellious Ingenuity, for the Rebellious Bride. 

Hindy constantly shares with us her rebellious work. Watch out for more features to come. 
To inquire from Hindy, email the designer at: 



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