Rebellious Bouquet Alternatives (UPDATED!)

***Due to the popularity of this blog post, we've updated it to include even more wonderful non-floral bouquet photos at the bottom part of this feature. Enjoy!***

Photo by Mango Red
My first encounter and perhaps "awakening" to the idea of having a non-floral bouquet was when I attended the wedding of one of our close friends last year. This couple was from Portland, Oregon and I loved the fact that they mixed wedding ideas from the US, with a very Filipiniana wedding in Intramuros. One fresh idea that they brought from the US, is the concept of a BROOCH BOUQUET. I was so enamored by the bride's bouquet--seeing it in the photo slideshow and onsite video, I couldn't help but wonder why her flowers seemed to sparkle like gems?!?

To cut the long story short, I discovered that her bouquet was made of vintage brooches and this wonderful bride went on to create my own wonderful brooch bouquet for my wedding. I was instantly sold to the idea of having a brooch bouquet because my wedding essentially had very limited use of flowers. I personally felt that incorporating a lot of flowers in a wedding was very impractical to spend on. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE FLOWERS! I love flowers so much that the thought of spending on it and throwing it after the wedding was more than I can bare.

My Brooch Bouquet during my 1st Wedding - Photo by Mango Red

SPOT THE DIFFERENCE! Can you see how my brooch bouquet was "updated" for the second wedding?

My Brooch Bouquet during my 2nd Wedding - Photo by J Lucas Reyes

I love my brooch bouquet to death. I am proud of it because it is very unique and personal to me, and it is now like an heirloom that can be used over and over again. Best example of this is the fact that I got to use it again during my second wedding, and that our little 5-year old Taylor who is growing up to be a future rebellious bride herself, simply adores my brooch bouquet and is sure to use it someday.

Brooch Bouquet by Amanda of Fantasy Florals
"Home of the Original Brooch Bouquet"
The Brooch Bouquet concept was claimed to have been invented by Amanda of Fantasy Floral Designs. These babies don't come cheap--she charges as high as $900 for a bouquet! 

But why you may ask? My friend who did the bouquet for me said that to make it, is a labor of love. And that making it is only half the trouble because the biggest challenge is really collecting the brooches. 

A brooch bouquet is made of vintage enamel pieces, and other heirlooms that are auctioned and acquired in various stores. The brooch bouquet is not for everyone--my friend asserts. Because it takes a lot of time, money and effort. But those who choose to have one can attest to the fact that it is worth every penny as compared to buying flowers--which if you think about it is actually, technically like burning cash.

Here are other brooch bouquets that I love!

"Love at first sight" - The first brooch bouquet I ever laid eyes on.
Photo by MetroPhoto

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If you can't afford one, then how about making one? Here's a quick reference link on how you can make your very own brooch bouquet.

Apart from brooch bouquets, there are other "rebellious" bouquet alternatives that are equally more practical and more unique than the usual. Here are some wonderful ideas:

Harry Potter Bouquet - A bouquet made out of pages from the Harry Potter books.

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Felt and Button Bouquets
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Fabric Bouquets

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Beaded Bouquet

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Cotton Balls Bouquet
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Feather Bouquet
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The ideas for your rebellious non-floral bouquets are endless! How about creating literally new ideas for the bouquet like an edible bouquet? Or a pinwheel bouquet? How about a virtual bouquet? I even saw another idea wherein the bride used fabrics from her mom's gown as a bouquet! It's all about expressing who you are! My fellow Rebellious Bride Mica is also DIY-ing her own fab bouquet right now and I can't wait to see it! :)

Thinking of having your own brooch bouquet or other rebellious bouquets? Save the planet and say good-bye to flower bouquets! Are you ready for this change? :)

Kai :)

Photography by Nelwin Uy

I'd like to update this blog feature because I had another wedding (with the same groom of course) in Vegas and this time, I commissioned the awesome folks over at {etc} Handmade Goodness/Vatel Manila to create a paper bouquet for me. 

The first year anniversary is symbolized by paper and since our third wedding was in celebration of our first anniversary, I thought it made perfect sense to have a paper bouquet. 

I just LOVE my paper bouquet! {etc} also did a great job ensuring that it was sturdy (considering it was made of paper). It literally survived a brutal flight from Philippines t0 Japan, to a layover in Detroit where the mean Homeland security guys murdered my bouquet's box, to Las Vegas, to Oregon. Then my aunt sent the bouquet via LBC from Oregon and back to Manila. Now, the bouquet is a centerpiece in our dining table and it still looks wonderful. 

In my opinion, {etc}'s creative team is just world-class and superbly talented. And I am so proud to be part of their roster of clients ;)

Here are just some of the very many quirky creations that they have done recently: 

SPEAKING OF UPDATES, perhaps you guys are also wondering how Rebellious Bride Mica's DIY felt bouquet turned out? Here it is! 

Photography by Mangored

SOOOOO pretty right? Mica's felt bouquet was literally a labor of love, because each piece was done by the bride together with her friends & family. The felt pieces were then put together by Mica's friend & stylist at-large, Badang Rueda.

We hope you enjoyed the new updates we made on this uber popular blog post! 'Till the next update! :)

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