Are YOU a Rebellious Bride?

Photo by Mango Red
1. Have you ever been forced by your parents to wear a hideous jumper when you were seven years old and a gown that made you look like a giant cake on your 18th debut? -- Come to think of it, you didn't even want a debut!

2. Have you been schooled in a Catholic girl school and up until now you don't know the reason why you got a verbal warning for not wearing your skirt 2 inches below the knee?  Then after high school, have you gone to College and was given ANOTHER verbal warning because you were charged for showing some skin? When in fact you only bent down to pick up your ball pen and your shirt went up, accidentally in doing so?

3. Are you nearing 30 years old and your parents still want to know your whereabouts and want you home before 12 midnight?

4. And now you are getting married, and you don't understand why your best friend of 20 years can't be your maid-of-honor because the supposed rules say your maid-of-honor can't be married or should be a relative? So your closest friend in the world is demoted to a Bible reader!?!

5. And now you have a beef with your mom because you want to wear a blue pair of Louboutins underneath your gown and it's making your mom cry because she doesn't understand why her daughter doesn't want to wear a white pair of shoes and she thinks you are going to burn in hell?

Then you look up to the heavens, a'la Nora Aunor in Himala, and say: WTF?!?!?!?!?

Photo lifted from The Makeup of Mica
If you can relate to these experiences, one way or another, then this blog is for you. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't believe in discipline and values but to me, there is something seriously wrong if you are about to be a wife and a mother and you are still being forced on what to do. Being in this culture dictates for the parents and the relatives, AND the church to be super involved in the wedding...with traditions and rules that for some reason, keeps changing and evolving up until now!

And don't even get me started on cookie-cutter wedding magazines, who sugar-coat weddings and make you believe that you are a certain bride. 

I don't mean to belittle tradition and classic brides. Don't get mad. But if you are a traditional bride, then good for you--you have a LOT of references and support to get you through your wedding. But if you are a rebellious bride, you probably will even have a debate or two with your own friends and you'll have a harder time looking for ideas to help with your wedding planning.

So this blog is really for the bride who needs to be empowered and be inspired to unleash the rebellious bride in you. Whether it's as simple as wearing a quirky gown or as serious as not having a church ceremony, this is for you. Because there's not enough local wedding blogs or magazines out there that will genuinely support your decisions without the judgmental eyes. 

Are you now beginning to realize just how much of a Rebellious Bride there is inside of you? Raise your hands! Let us know! There's nothing wrong with you, we are here. You are not alien. If you are, we are the same type of alien as you. So let's unite! Let us know you exist out there too! Holler back! :)

Kai :)